Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The summer is almost over

I keep going through all the things i did/was supposed to do. I had a running list on my desk top of dates and events. I keep deleting things and then adding 4 more. In some ways i think i am less busy during the school year, but its just that there is so much more routine things going on.

I know its been like a year. I'd make lame promises of updates like we always do, but Im just going to be realistic.

So here is another photo essay. These are the pink sunflowers in my yard. They were pink on the package of seeds, but these are more of a variegated yellow and maroon. either way, they are pretty.

and these are the burgundy ones

This is the pitiful hydrangea bloom from the plant that I managed to NOT kill. I regard this as a miracle of sorts. Frank (the ficus from the last entry) has long since passed on. Perhaps I should post a photo of his skeleton. I would, but i dont think i have one.

This is what that same hydrangea used to look like.

This was the henna tatoo i got on my foot at ren faire.

This is me in the bridesmaid dress for my sisters wedding. she looked at the digital camera after she took this and said, "you look terrible"

This is a picture of me and dan when we first started dating.

This is us a few years ago.

This is us a few months ago.

And this is me and Dan now.


Craig said...

Wait a minute... what's that on your finger?!?! When did that happen?! Congrats!

wolfie said...

That's an interesting ring. I can't see it very well, but it looks like its an incomplete frustrum setting. That's pretty fancy work. You need to post more pictures dammit.

splinters and wholeness said...

GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! tree, that is the most beautiful ring!! i cant wait to see it in person. so exciting!!

Tree said...

Who is that? ^