Friday, December 10, 2004

making a list.

in my spare time.

thats funny.

the family and friends gifts that im making can wait until after im out of school

grade school math meet this weekend, i need to finish typing those tests and get them to teachers to proof. ARG

I have a project to work on with peter this week too. thats suxxor.
notto mention the 4 sets of tests and quizzes i have not graded that i REALLY need to do this weekend. sigh. SIGH.

heres the plan. tonight, ill take care of making my christmas gift list and christmas card list. and gifts for next week at school secret santa, date breads, ornaments, etc.
tomorrow is the grade school meet.
sunday is tree decorating and babysitting for my bro.
i guessi just wont sleep sunday night, bc monday i need tests graded and other stuff.

oh god. i just got 10 times more stressed.

if you dont see me till christmas, call me and see if im dead.

Monday, December 06, 2004

la la la

or perhaps falala.
whichever you choose.

just some snippets.

the 5 people you meet in heaven was on tv last night, and it might be the first made for tv movie that doesnt suck. and it didnt screw around with the book either. i think it perfectly complimented it. nothing major was left out. kudos to whoever is responsible for that movie. and you all, go find some one who recorded it and watch it. if you have a recording send me a copy so i can mail it to keith. yep.

i realize that christmas is fast over taking me. and i need to do christmas gifts for people at school first.

im a bit of a flake and i lost the name of my secret santa. not normally a problem, i know every one at school and id normally just remember the name. .. except that its cafeteria staff. and i dont know who they are. ARG

dan is going to San Fransciso. he will leave just after new years and if we are lucky, come home for easter. i get spring break the week after easter, so if he could be in town, that would be nice. and save me a bit on travel expenses. i was looking forward to visiting california, but its looking like that wont happen now. we dont really get enough time off to justify it while hes there. c'est la vie.

i wish i had the cash to just donate tons of $ to my adopt a family. sigh. we have $30 right now. from one kid. thats sad. I'll make people feel guilty this week. that will work.

ok. im off to photo copy work sheets and tests. i have so much to do these next few weeks, life is about to get crazy.