Friday, October 01, 2004

the suits

last night after the debate, this commercial was aired on cnn (i think it was still cnn) Yahoo's Life Engine Ad

i love that ad.

at any rate, i sort of felt the debate was a little bit lack luster and boring. there was the potential for so many huge things to be brought up and said and delt with, and not much was. I felt that it was more of a draw than anything. and i also felt that the general reaction by all parties supports my opinon of that. for example, all the kerry supporters seem to think that he "Won" the debate. and all the bush supporters seemed pleased that he did well. so. id call that pretty much a draw. the point isnt to convince those who you allready had on your side, now is it?

im not a democrat or a republican. and quite honestly, ill vote on either side depending on the candidates platform and personal views. but the one thing that really stood out to me was that much of Bush's commentary was juvenile. Kerry:"Sadam Hussain didnt attack America, Osma Bin Laden did!" Bush -" I know THAT!"
yeah. so if you know it then you have alot of explaining to do, dont you? nope, never mind, change the subject.
course they were both good at changing the subject, but thats part of being a politician, isnt it.

i am so disenchanted with politics. i really think that the only reason i pay attention is because i have so little faith in the general populus to know what is best for the nation as a whole. not that i know, just that i some how feel my undereducated views might balence out theirs.

enough politics for me. im out.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I want to make this

sigh. if only i had a few hundred extra hours. and dollars. you know.


Monday, September 27, 2004

weekend update

this weekend was long, but good. the illini game was bizzare. but better than we had hoped for. at least it was interesting to watch. it was supposed to be a blow out, purdue should have anhilated us. amazingly we only lost 30 to 38, and only because of a couple silly errors on our part. we could have won. odd.

so for those of you in the area, FYI. there will be a get together at my apt. this friday. why? its just an excuse to have a get together, and since dan is back in town im sure you all are clamoring to see him. If you want to come, come, and bring with the beverage of your choice. Doors open at 8 or so, email or call first so i know how many to plan for, and if you need directions, lemme know.

other news. other news.
im tired.

but thats not news, is it?

my extrodinary long nails have mostly broken off. sigh. it was a nice time while it lasted, but i was getting a little vain about them. so now i think im going to start manicuring again and see how long it take to get them back to georgous. it was fun to do once, but id love to be able to have nice nails on a regular basis. lord knows i have enough nail polish that i could redo them every day and not run out for years.

ok. im off for home. tonight. tonight i think i might cook. or shop for fabric. or ... BOTH! :-D