Friday, September 24, 2004

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


and i mean really scary this time.

this afternoon we had a special kind of drill. like a fire drill or a tornado drill, but this drill was an intruder drill. which is frightening for all sorts of reasons. this one was unplanned though, and they asked us to account for every student, on campus or absent.

at the end of the school day an announcement was made, the park next to the school is full of police investigators and news reporters. apparently they think someone has drowned in the pond. (thus the accounting for all students) the roads are all closed and its generaly a mess out there.

its just a scary situation. i hate intruder drills. and i never want to do one again. fires and tornados i can cope with. those angry hurtful people, i just dont understand.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

scary things

lets see if a photo entry works out or not...

this is my mom and dan from pauls party on saturday. notice the matching plaid shirts, and the similar hairdos. simply frightening.

these are my two INSANE sisters. notice the crazy looks. mom is crazy too. dont let that calm smile fool you.

this is stephanie modeling the hat i knitted. (is the proper tense "knit"?) i think its too small for her ... i may give it to one of the little girls or caitie.

these are the little girls, the baby cousins, emma and emily. they actualy posed themselves for this, turned around and demanded i take their picture.

this is stephanie being a wuss and refusing to walk across the wood chips to kiss daddy goodbye before she drove back to champaign. so i carried her sorry ass over. notice my cute little hiney, thats about all you can see of me. :)

this is me, looking rather drugged. and emily. we noticed about ayear ago that emily looks identical to pictures of me at that age. which is frightening. but she is cute.

thats all for now.

beer and wings.

so, two years ago dan and i started a little tradition. every tuesday night, after my classes and after he got off work ( he was working for alliance at the time, really crappy hours) we would go to Buffalo Wild Wings for $.30 wings and $2 fosters drafts. every tuesday. it was a weekly date, we always went. and i loved it. with him out of the state and country for the past year, we havent been there in a while, but tonight we are going again! of course, wings are up to $.35 a wing, which is so uncool and making me feel old. "i remember back when they had wings for only 30 cents! and i used to walk there, up hill! both ways!"

but im psyched for the wings. :)

in other news, now that i think ive finaly caught up on sleep from chaperoning the senior lock in, my allergies are acting up. so even if i am well rested, i still have the puffy tired eyes. ick.

dan and i stopped by raw last night. it amazes me how much the WWE wrestling is like a soap opera for men. you can not watch for 6 months and when you come back, very little has changed. It takes about 5 min talking with a regular watcher to get caught up. and its all so overly dramatic. i mean really. of COURSE whatserbutt had a miscarriage... what she was at 3 months? if they let her stay pregnant on the show, they would have to start explaining why she wasnt starting to show. sheesh. common people? how predictable is that?!

ok- its time to utilize my freeperiod for something productive. not that this isnt productive and all. lord knows i need to brain dump every once in a while.
later all.