Tuesday, September 21, 2004

beer and wings.

so, two years ago dan and i started a little tradition. every tuesday night, after my classes and after he got off work ( he was working for alliance at the time, really crappy hours) we would go to Buffalo Wild Wings for $.30 wings and $2 fosters drafts. every tuesday. it was a weekly date, we always went. and i loved it. with him out of the state and country for the past year, we havent been there in a while, but tonight we are going again! of course, wings are up to $.35 a wing, which is so uncool and making me feel old. "i remember back when they had wings for only 30 cents! and i used to walk there, up hill! both ways!"

but im psyched for the wings. :)

in other news, now that i think ive finaly caught up on sleep from chaperoning the senior lock in, my allergies are acting up. so even if i am well rested, i still have the puffy tired eyes. ick.

dan and i stopped by raw last night. it amazes me how much the WWE wrestling is like a soap opera for men. you can not watch for 6 months and when you come back, very little has changed. It takes about 5 min talking with a regular watcher to get caught up. and its all so overly dramatic. i mean really. of COURSE whatserbutt had a miscarriage... what she was at 3 months? if they let her stay pregnant on the show, they would have to start explaining why she wasnt starting to show. sheesh. common people? how predictable is that?!

ok- its time to utilize my freeperiod for something productive. not that this isnt productive and all. lord knows i need to brain dump every once in a while.
later all.

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