Wednesday, April 13, 2005

yeah yeah. shut up.

i know its been two months. bite me.

hm. well that sets the tone, doesnt it? ITs been a long two months. I am job searching openly now. Havent told students, but if a faculty member asks, im honest. I have letters of rec from 3 different people at school and one from my university supervisor. I had an interview at willowbrook, which went well i think, and im hoping for a call back and second interview in the next week.

i spent last night yelling at jeff. i feel a little bad about it, because it was alot of venting, and he just happend to be there.

dan is back in miami. he will finish in june. we spent an amazing two weeks when he was home for easter. Im scared to death of what will happen this summer, both for him and for me. both of us are job searching and have no where to live. i know that im going to be in the chicago land area one way or another. it may or may not be a good thing for him to find a job in chicago. depends on the agency and whatnot.

i have never been able to spell apologize. i always add an extra p.

i am so totaly exhausted right now. i am going to bed. id say that im going to update more frequently, but im going to remain realistic here. i may or may not. we shall see.

1 comment:

Aemilius Romanus said...

Actually, in Tree's defense, she had reason to scream at me . . . I was being my true misogynistic self, venting my thoughts on women in general. I wish I weren't a misogynist, but I can't help it. I haven't had anyone to prove me wrong. Still searching . . .