Thursday, October 28, 2004

long hard week.

this week has just been hard emotionaly. and at work. but mostly emotionaly.
its the kind of thing you dont think about until after the fact. but it all makes sense as to why.

monday, october 25 was the anniversary of papa ed's death. that was a very difficult thing. and of course i chose that night to watch the movie Hanging Up. which pretty much is exactly how papa died.

throw into the mix a few days where i didnt leave school till 7, and then yesterday when i came back at 6 and didnt leave till 8, well. im stressed. that and a general angst towards the universe makes me a very happy camper. seriously.

my mood has alternated from knife bearing psycho to raging lunatic and back again.

i think i scared the bejesus out of a few students. i went from
"please sit down and stop talking" to "LAST WARNING BEFORE I SEND YOU TO THE OFFICE" in .06 seconds. they got the point though. this years students seems a little swifter on the uptake than last years.

tomorrow is halloween dress up day at school. i think i shall go as a butterfly. or a fairy. something with wings. im a fan of wings.

i should go to my moms house and steal back my wave iron, then i can crinkle my hair! oohhh!!!

sorry, random side thought. im back now.

The quarter ends tomorrow, and i need to do my grades for monday.
i hate doing grades. and all i have to do this time around is just type them in the computer!!! thats horrible of me, i know.

ah well. the math team kids are finishing up their tests, i should go help them with that. yep.

i have photos of kaylin being barbie. i will upload those later.

1 comment:

Aemilius Romanus said...


It has now been a month since you last posted. Let us know that you are still alive.